Monday, December 7, 2009

The Madness that was the Weekend of Mayhem

I stand on the edge of the curb saluting the cars that whoosh past. They don't really seem to notice me. I don't care though. What I do care, is that each passing car hits a puddle, no an ocean of dirty rain that literally envelopes me. I wou;dn't mind so much if it was for the fact that I am in my all white pure mink and that earlier that day, I spent a random four hundred on my hair. I now damn well that I left for the weekend with it up in a wonderful high design, all pinned and tied back. It now hung over my face and dripped chemicals that stung my eyes.

You'd think, well I did, that the motorist passing would slow as they reached some poor drenched misfit, wavering back and forth, side to side on the edge of a busy road. But no, they don't.

Surprisingly I do remember how I landed here, although I rather wish I didn't. The weekend was unashamedly a msytery of madness and mayhem, that truth be told, I would rather not discuss.

I will however conclude with the idea that I made it home, despite looking like I had taken a midnight swim, I managed it entirely on my own. I later found, in my now brown tinged mink, my hair elastic and a whoile bunch of bobby pins. Seems I may not have remembered everything from the weekend.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Technology is younger than I, why am I the one who feels like the dumb young thing?? Part 2

Back so soon, I hear you say!! Sorry, I had to abort blog back there.

I'm getting to find my way around this wonderful place called BLOG...I'm very much enjoying it. BUT that doesn't mean I don't totally understand it. But I'm willing to give it a try...I'm already aren't I??

So in closing, I know I've kind of just finished rather abruptly, but that's the way this blogging goes.


QUOTE: "You can't handle the truth".

Technology is younger than I, why am I the one who feels like the dumb young thing?? Part 1

ANSWER: Joe Versus the Volcano.

It seems I may be struggling with the evergrowing world that is TECHNOLOGY! I'm not afraid to admit to it. It seems beyond me, beyond me in years & yet I am older than the developments it has to offer.

Does that mean I am now not wiser than my predecessors?
Is this the way the future is to be?
That only a select few amongst us can understand & utilise what once were simple day to day taks, now take a week to conquer? I don't like it.

I can see myself now, in 50 years, being one of those grumpy arsed women getting up on her high horse about the youth of today, how it was in MY day, grumble grumble, damn technology, I don't understand how you kids pay bills say it's something on your bloody head! I have the head I was born with & well, other than a few pills here & there, I'm just as I am when I was born. Not the folk of today, I say, in the year 2057 when I head into my 80th year on earth.

Geez, I'm already like that now, what will become of me? I can't even work out now how I added my must see movie list to the left of this here script of writing...& I'd like to FUNK up my blog but don't know what I have to do to do that (breath)!!!

Oh well, best just get on the techno bike, pedal my way through the wires, connectors, adaptors, plugs & whatever.....

to be continued.....

Babies Are Sometime Cute

ANSWER: Kindergarten Cop

Whooo Hoooo, here I am again. Absolutley thrilled to have a follower - Hello there fine lovely to have you here with me.
So, I've been thinking about BABIES. Yep, that's right a young thing that can't do anything on it's own other than cry, poo & pee. Sounds like a lot of adults too doesn't it?
I met some friends of mine baby the other day & it really had a strong impact on me & how life is created & what future this baby holds with it. Deep I know - Phew! It was a truly amamzing experience & I could only just imagine what it must be like for a parent, who really wants to further their DNA into the soul of a new living human, it must be out of this world.

Come to think of it, one of my favourite movies is - Baby Boom - with the undeniably talented Diane Keaton. Although see through the eyes of probably not a good example of having child, if I recall, it's about the ins & outs of bring a baby into this world. This kid is one of the most amasing things I've ever seen, truly...a miracle that is life.

Wow, this has gotten rather in depth, hasn't it. There's no guarantee that each of my blogs will be this intense, I can promise you that.

QUOTE: "I know he can get the job..... But can he do the job?"

Who Am I To Be?

Answer: Heathers.

Welcome back to me. Hey, who is me? I am narrator? I am me? Maybe I'm whoever you want me to be!

I like that fact that writing comes from within the writer themself. You know, it comes from an idea, which is transferred into a thought and then finally, the wondrous of writing or typing! I just love it. But who is I?

Yes this blog may come from one person, alone in solitude, but that is not to say that it will only ever be written by one! You see, we are all stortellers in some way and we all make up stories, in some other way.

I too make up lots of stories and what you, the amazing people out there, will be able to do, is enoy my stories, however they come, however they are told, however they seem to be created.

I hope you enjoy.

Quote: "It's not a tumor."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

1st Blog entry

So unoriginal I know! But what can you do. Well you can't do anything, but I can change it if I want...but I don't want to. I want to remember this is my very first BLOG! And here it is.

Well my Movie Marathon that I planned on pursuing today has not yet been initiated. I had planned to watch Hitchhikers Guide the the Galaxy
The Chumbscrubber (although I think that may be out on loan)
Just Buried (Not yet previewed at this stage)

It's not 8:23pm & I haven't watched a damn film. I've been doddling on the PC, cleaning, making lunch, cooking 2 breasts of chicken & done four loads of washing. I actually found a new usage fot such items around the house as Coat Rack, Towel Warmer & Recliner Chairs, in that I ran out of space on the Clothes Rack & do not have 1 single peg in the house. form of usage to hang the clothes on! I'm actually rather impressed with myself.

Well I do plan on wathcing at least one movie tonight & low & behold that's exaclt what I plan to do right, about, now.

Signing Off.

Movie Quote: "I gotta motor if I wanna make that party tonight"
Next blog entry will provide the movie title.